Amulets that bring money

Since ancient times, humanity has pondered the problem of attracting wealth. Modern people are no exception. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to find the right way to get rich. Many have forgotten such an effective folk remedy as talismans and amulets.

amulet to attract good luck

Amulets for money bring their owner not only money and wealth, but also good luck in financial affairs and business. Many modern talismans that attract wealth are often made from ancient writings (runes).

Amulets for money are often made in shades of gold, green or purple. Talismans made in these colors are believed to be symbols of wealth. Orange, pomegranate, rice grains, beads, precious metals and stones are also unique symbols of a successful person. Among the essential oils there are also the "rich oils" of bergamot, sage, rosemary and mint. To charge the talisman, be sure to wait for the waxing moon - it will definitely increase and save your finances.

Runes that attract wealth

Kenaz, Fehu and Vunyo - this is an excellent combination of runes that bring wealth and financial income.

  • Fehu is a rune that will help its owner preserve and increase his financial well-being;
  • Kenaz is a rune that attracts luck and reveals the creative possibilities of its owner. He is able to support in all creative endeavors and will help find the right direction and bring it to life;
  • Vunyo is a magical symbol that allows you to maintain the achieved financial prosperity, it will bring a lot of joy and good luck.

In order to correctly place the runes above, you need to know the following rule. At the beginning of the runogram there is a rune, which indicates the result you want to achieve and, in the end, the result you will get at the end.

Runes do not have to be drawn on canvas or fabric, they can be visualized mentally. For example, while drinking a glass of water, first imagine the "rune of money". You can depict a magic sign on any personal item (wallet, purse or credit card). Or buy a "money colored" candle, scribble a rune on it and light it. With essential oil, you can apply the mark on your body. There are many options in which talismans that bring money are used, it is important to choose exactly the right one for you.

The finished runogram should be placed in the leftmost corner of the front door and it will surely bring you success and luck.

DIY money amulet

Amulets for money can be made by hand. These include the talisman, which is called "money pen". Buy the most common pen designed for writing (it can be a ballpoint, gel or fountain pen), as well as a banknote of any denomination. The money needs to be rolled into a tube shape so that the tails are on the outside and secure it with tape. The money tube will serve as a pen cap. The length of your entire talisman must necessarily correspond to the fourth imperial dimension. Believe me, having made such a pen for yourself, you will immediately notice a positive financial result.

Similar to the money pen, you can make a money bell. It is done in the same way as the "wind chime" in feng shui. Only at the base of the bells are banknotes rolled up in tubes. Such a talisman brings wealth and luck in financial affairs.

It is important to remember, when creating a talisman with your own hands, be sure to put all your love into it and make sure that it will bring you the desired success.

Amulets for money according to the zodiac sign


Signs like Aries are very suitable for square or round objects in shades of green and orange. Drawings with edged weapons will also be good talismans.


A statuette with elephants or the image of him will serve as an excellent amulet for the Bull.

figurine of an elephant as a good luck amulet


White, blue and blue tones, as well as figurines with the image of a key with a lock or a theatrical mask are good amulets for Gemini.


For Cancers, figurines with the image of the moon or heart will be good talismans. They will be very effective if they are made of turquoise, amber or gold.

heart-shaped pendant as a lucky charm

a lion

Gold amulets in the form of the sun, as well as figurines and images in the form of strong and powerful animals, will help Leo a lot.


Virgos are perfect for soft, calm colors, as well as cool shades. The materials from which the amulets for virgins are made are clay and plaster.


The Libra money amulet is a silver pendant with a scale depicted on it.

pendant pendant as good luck talisman


Scorpions want frog-shaped pictures or figurines in bright colors. As for the Aries, the edged weapons will serve as a powerful amulet.

green frog in malachite in the shape of a lucky charm


Sagittarius will feel the power if he has a figurine of a phoenix bird, a horse or his horseshoe, as well as a "speed beetle". Best of all, if it is made of bronze.

horseshoe amulet of prosperity


Capricorns need gold coins (or any yellow metal) and images of scales.


Any figurine associated with flight (angel, bird, plane) will serve as a strong talisman for a sign such as Aquarius.

figurine of an angel as a good luck amulet


It is very difficult for fish to do without water. Therefore, for them, the best money amulet will be images or figures associated with water (these can be ships, sea animals, boats, boats).

Flowers that attract wealth to your home

Amulets for attracting money do not have to be in the form of an amulet or talisman. It can be an ordinary indoor flower.

These colors include fuchsia. This very bright and beautiful flower will make your life richer and more vibrant. People who have growing fuchsia in their home are quite creative and successful.

fuchsia to attract good luck

Many people know "the money tree" or the fat woman. Such a tree will perfectly clean the air in the house, relieve stress and fatigue after a hard day at work. If you take good care of this plant, it will certainly help you achieve financial stability and business success.

fat woman to attract money

The "Japanese Akuba" has many positive qualities. He is able to bring not only luck and success, but also reveal hidden talents.

Bougainvillea has long been considered the genius of financial well-being. He is very strong and capable of attracting good luck and prosperity to himself. If you hang a bronze sword on this plant, it will become even stronger.

bougainvillea to attract good luck

According to Feng Shui, bamboo is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity in business. It symbolizes rapid career growth as well as rapid and active development. Such a symbol must be placed in the area responsible for wealth and it will certainly bring you the desired result.

bamboo as a symbol of well-being

And, of course, mint. This beneficial medicinal plant will not only purify the aura and air in the room, it will also make your activity more effective.

A money amulet will only help you if you believe in it and put all your faith and soul into it. And then he will thank you with wealth, money and financial well-being.